Devil Baby Born in Assam, True or Not?

Fake Messages:

Devil Baby is born in AssamЁЯШ▒. It ate its mother's parts while her giving birth... ЁЯШ▒and the nurse who touched died in 3 hours....ЁЯШ▒.

Alien Baby is born...ЁЯШХ

Rakshash baby born...ЁЯШн

Here is one of the fake spreading video:

But the truth is.....

The baby is suffering from a rare disease Harlequin Incthyosis, a rare disease that may occur for one baby for 3 lakh birth. It is a kind of genetic disorder, which makes the cells grow very fast and thus the old skin cells remain under the layer. This makes the child appear too rigid skin and eyes bleeding... rapid growth of genes causes hair growth and teeth to grow at the very beginning stage of the baby... 
There are many adults who are affected by this disease... for example below...

So it is a rare genetic disorder that causes the rapid growth of skin cells and other parts...

It is said that the born baby mother and nurse died immediately after touching it in the social media... there is no trace for that fact...
Please don't spread the unnecessary fake messages on social media and disturb the public people...
